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Black Ops 2 Buried How to Build Everything


Buried, also known as Resolution 1295, is the new Zombies Map featured in the Vengeance Map Pack. It's an old west-looking town that has been buried underground. It is one of the first zombies map to be almost fully underground.


See also the Buried Easter Eggs and Vengeance Achievements and Trophies

A few new mechanics have been added to this map, along with a new Perk-A-Cola Machine called the Vulture-Aid, and four new Zombies Weapons: Ray Gun Mark II, Paralyzer, Remington New Model Army, Time Bomb. See their respective pages for more information.

Creating your own Wallbuys

Buried allows you to take chalk weapons from the wall and create your own "Wallbuy." Basically, if you see a fully chalked-in weapon on a wall, interact with it to carry that chalk like equipment parts, interact with a question mark on a wall and you will earn 1000 Points and create a wallbuy for that particular weapon at that location for the rest of the game! There are a total of six weapons that can be placed on walls. The last chalk weapon will grant you 2000 points, which is why many players always draw the wall weapons first so they can get an easy 7000 points quickly, easy, and early.

  • Remington 870 MCS - Near Quick Revive
  • PDW-57 - in Gunsmith Shop
  • AK74u - in Gunsmith Shop
  • Galvaknuckles - in Gunsmith Shop
  • SVU-AS - in Gunsmith Shop
  • AN-94 - in Gunsmith Shop

The wallbuys will act just like any other wallbuy. The weapon will cost the same price it always does, and ammo will be half the price.


The Prisoner

Another new feature is the big prisoner. Some say his name is Elroy, some say it's Leroy, we just call him the prisoner or the giant. Inside the Jailhouse is a very large man who is locked up. This man can be freed by carrying a key from a key hanger and using it on the cell door. The first time you free him, you will need to give him the booze that is also in the cell. Give it to him to open the front door of the Jailhouse. Giving the prisoner booze is the only way to break certain obstacles or debris around the map. A lot of debris can still be bought like doors, but some must be broken through. Booze can either be found in the cell or the Saloon; one will spawn each round either in his cell or in the saloon. Before giving the prisoner some booze, make sure you are facing the debris you want him to break. If your back is to the debris, the prisoner will run in the opposite direction. Breaking obstacles will net the user a couple hundred points (more as range increases; my record is ~1800).

Candy can also be given to the prisoner from the Confectionery. Look for any candy that has a sparkle to find the right one to pick up. Candy will allow the Prisoner to protect you for a short time. He will instantly kill one zombie at a time as it gets near you, and he will even pick up Crawlers to make sure they don't die or injure you as you get things down. You may need to face a crawler when giving the candy to the Prisoner to pull that off.

Make note: when the prisoner kills zombies, you will not earn any points.

Another use of Candy for the Prisoner is to create Buildable Equipment. Face a workbench and give him Candy, and he will find all the parts and build the items for you at the workbench.

You can also give the prisoner candy by any available Mystery Box spot and he'll search for the current box and place it at the spot where you want it. This is very useful if the box is across the map and you need it. Just purchase candy and give it to him by a spot for the box and boom! Your box is there! If you do it once more at the mystery box, he will "hit it", and it prevents a teddy bear from coming from that mystery box, so a player can hit the box a million times, and a teddy bear will never appear (note that doing this in the first location prevents firesales).

A player can give the prisoner candy next to a power-up, and the prisoner will change the power-up to a random one. Let's say you get a carpenter. If you give the prisoner candy next to the power-up, he can change it to a nuke or firesale. Cool, right?


Do not think the prisoner will be completely immune to damage. Though he will not die, if you personally shoot or blow up the Prisoner, he will run back to the jailhouse and lock himself in his cell. You will then need to find another key to free him once more. The key can spawn on any key hook around the map, which could be troublesome.

Only certain items can be held at the same time. Items that take up one slot include: cell key, candy, booze, weapon chalk. The Buildable Equipment parts on the other hand will take up a second slot. Once a piece of equipment is built, it can be carried alongside the other two items.

Map Walkthrough

The following is a walkthrough of the entire map. It shows locations of all weapons, perk-a-cola machines, and the pack-a-punch machine. As stated above, some areas will be blocked off and cannot be purchased. These can be cleared with some assistance from the prisoner inside the Jailhouse.


The starting area of Buried is known as Processing. There are three weapons available in this area, but the third is very hard to get. Of course, like usual, the M14 and Olympia are available at the start for 500 points. Alongside them is the LSAT on top of a steel platform for 2000 points. This steel platform will fall about one second after jumping up on it, so you will need to be incredibly quick. If you don't get it the first time you won't be able to get it at any other time (unless you are very good with the paralyzer).


To progress to the main part of the map, jump down the hole between the catwalks, or just fall down when attempting to reach the LSAT. You will slide down into a tunnel.

Tunnel Junction

There are a small number of tunnels throughout this map. Most link one building to another, but you can also simply buy the doors to enter most building. This tunnel is a sort of junction for many of the tunnels in the map.

The first thing you may notice is the Quick Revive machine. Like usual, it costs 1500 points on co-op or 500 points on solo, and acts very differently between the two. Near the machine is the Remington 870 MCS chalk. This is just the chalk, not the actual wallbuy. Interact with the chalk to pick it up, then interact with any question mark you see on a wall to create a wallbuy for this weapon. There's a Question Mark Chalk Location nearby that can be used as a trial run. Like usual, the weapon will cost 1200 points, but whoever creates it will earn 1000 points!

This room contains three paths to three different areas on the map. There are two tunnels and one hole in the floor. Scroll down to the header of which ever path you took:

  • The path behind the R870 MCS chalk will lead to debris. Clear this debris with 750 points to enter the Saloon. Make sure you watch out for holes in the tunnel. If you see a danger sign, jump over any wooden planks.
  • The path behind the Quick Revive will lead to debris. Clear this debris with 750 points to enter the Courthouse.
  • The hole in the floor will lead to the Stables.


The Town

This old west town can be broken up into four areas to better understand the layout. Each section is pretty compact, so it shouldn't be too hard exploring the area. Think of the map as a big U shape.

The main road of the town is split in two. One half contains the Church, Courthouse, Haunted Mansion, and Confectionery. The middle of the road is blocked by a ton of debris that cannot be cleared.

The other side of the main road can be reached through the back side of town or through the hole in the wall on the second floor of the Courthouse. That half contains the Jailhouse, General Store, and Bank.

The back area of town is a lot darker than the main road. It can be reached through the Confectionery or after clearing out the path between the Confectionery and General Store / Bank building. That area contains the Saloon, Gunsmith Shop, Stable, and the back door to the General Store / Bank.

If you can make it through the Haunted Mansion that was mentioned earlier, you will reach the Maze in the back. Behind the Maze is a gazeebo with the Pack-A-Punch Machine, and within the Maze is a way to get back to Processing.

Use the headers below to see which buildings contain what and where they may lead.



The Courthouse may be one of the first buildings you enter from the main tunnel. The front doors can be opened for 1250 points to either enter or exit out to the main street, or you can take the hole in the wall on the second floor to the other side of the main street. The hole leads to the Jailhouse area, and the doors lead to the Church and Confectionery area.

The second floor of the Courthouse holds the Speed Cola machine and another Question Mark Chalk Location .

Also on the second floor is a Mystery Box spawn location, but this shouldn't be the place the Mystery Box first appears.

A Workbench is located on the ground floor. All the items for Buildable Equipment are located inside the General Store, and the workbench they're built on does not matter.


The Confectionery, also known as the Sweets Shop or Candy Shop, is located on the main street across from the Courthouse. The front door can be opened for 1250 points, and the back door can be opened for 750 points if you reach this building from the back side of town.

On the ground floor of this building is a Claymore wallbuy. It can be purchased for 1000 points.


There are two staircases in this building that lead to two different rooms on the second floor. The staircase behind the Claymore leads to a room with the Power Switch. Turn this on to activate all the Perk-A-Cola Machines.

The second room on the second floor only has debris that can be cleared from the window for 750 points. Clearing the debris allows you to walk out onto the balcony. The balcony connects both rooms, and it can be used to jump over to the Bank / General Store balcony and rooftop. More debris will block your path on the General Store's rooftop, but it can be cleared with another 750 points to reach the other end of town.


The Church is one of three buildings blocked by debris that cannot be bought. The only way to enter the building is to use the prisoner from the Jailhouse to break through.

Inside the church is another Workbench . At the back of the room is a new Perk-A-Cola called Vulture-Aid. This perk adds a lot more info onto your HUD, and allows you to collect more points and ammo from fallen Zombies.

Another Question Mark Chalk Location can be found on the second floor of the Church.



Across the main street from the Courthouse, and to the right of the Confectionery, is a building that holds both the General Store and Bank. Debris can be cleared for 750 points on a set of stairs between the General Store and Confectionery. The stairs will lead up to a balcony at the back end of both stores. The Bank can then be reached by jumping down an opening to the left of a locked door. The locked door will lead to the General Store, and costs 750 points to open.

The Bank in Buried allows you to deposit 1000 points at a time at the barred windows, which are known as Bank teller windows. The points can then be withdrawn at any time, even in a completely different game!

Behind the teller windows is an underground tunnel. This tunnel will take you to the inside of the Gunsmith Shop.

General Store

Across the main street from the Courthouse, and to the right of the Confectionery, is a building that holds both the General Store and Bank. Debris can be cleared for 750 points on a set of stairs between the General Store and Confectionery that leads up to the back end of both stores. The Bank can then be reached by jumping down an opening to the left of a locked door. The locked door will lead to the General Store, and costs 750 points to open.

Two other doors can be opened with 750 points each at the General Store. One door is at the front of shop, across from the Jailhouse; and the other door is the back of the shop, across from the Gunsmith Shop.


The General Store is the place where all the Buildable Equipment parts are located! Transport these parts to one of the four workbenches in Buried to create some equipment. Four pieces of equipment can be built with the parts in this store, and it doesn't matter which workbench you build them at. However, once a workbench has a part, it will be set to build that piece of equipment, and cannot be changed until the next game. The available Buildable Equipment includes: Turbine, Trample Steam, Headchopper, and Subsurface Resonator. Two are new, and two have been used in the past. Note: The Subsurface Resonator needs a Turbine to work.

Below are images of the parts for the Headchopper. It will slice any Zombies that come near it. The parts don't have true names, but they look like a big blade, a crank, a wooden platform of some sort, and a chain gear like a bicycle's pedal gear.

Below are images of the parts for the Subsurface Resonator. It will send a sonic boom that will kill any Zombies in front of it. Kill ten zombies with this equipment to unlock the Death From Below achievement / trophy. The parts don't have true names, but they look like a card playing table, a roulette wheel, a speaker, and a generator of some kind.

In the back of the store is a weapons locker. You can store a weapon here and pick it up at a later time.

The second floor of the General Store has a sort of balcony that can be used to jump to the Confectionery. In the middle of this balcony is more debris that can be cleared for 750 points. Clearing the debris will allow you to freely move to the other side of the main street, near the Jailhouse.



Behind the Confectionery is the Saloon. You can enter the building through the front doors for 1250 points, or take a tunnel from the Tunnel Junction to the second floor. At the front of the shop is the Colt M16A1, which can be bought with 1200 points.

Inside the Saloon is a Workbench, and Booze can be found at the bar or on a table from time to time after releasing the prisoner from the Jailhouse.

At the back of the Saloon is more debris blocking the staircase. It can be cleared for 750 points, and a Bowie Knife can be bought off the wall behind it for 3000 points.

The tunnel from the Quick Revive junction is located on the second floor of the Saloon – the one with the train tracks. It's a long tunnel that has a hole around the middle of the path. If you're not careful, you can fall through the hole and end up at the front of the Saloon. The other tunnel on the second floor of the Saloon will lead to the Gunsmith Shop and Stables. You can directly access the Stables at the end, but you will need to clear some debris for 1250 points if you wish to enter the Gunsmith Shop.

Around the front end of the Saloon's second floor is another balcony. This balcony has yet another Question Mark Chalk Location .

Gunsmith Shop


The Gunsmith Shop isn't as easy to enter as the other shops. It is one of three buildings blocked by debris that cannot be bought. You must either use the prisoner from the Jailhouse to clear the front door, or take one of two tunnels. The tunnel from the Bank will be completely free, but the tunnel from the Saloon / Stables requires 1250 points to clear some debris.

Outside the Gunsmith Shop is a B23R on a wall for 1000 points. Inside are five different chalk weapons that can be taken and drawn on one of the Question Mark Chalk Locations. Only one can be transferred at a time, and make sure you put it in an easy to access place if it's the weapon you wish to use often. The weapons include:

  • PDW-57 – 1000 Points
  • AK74u – 1200 Points
  • Galvaknuckles – 6000 Points
  • SVU-AS – 1000 Points
  • AN-94 – 1200 Points

Remember, drawing them will earn you 1000 points, but you must still pay to obtain the weapon and ammo.

The second floor of the shop holds the Mule Kick Machine, which allows you to hold three weapons at a time for 4000 points. Another Mystery Box Spawn is also located on the second floor.


The Stables don't really have anything of interest. It's just another building that connects to two tunnels. It may be one of the first places you visit from the Tunnel Junction.


One door at the back of the Stables can be opened with 1250 points, but it will lead to a dead end until debris is cleared with the prisoner from the Jailhouse. This dead end is a small alley between the Stables and Gunsmith Shop.

You can jump out a window on the second floor to arrive in front of the Jailhouse, and no points will need to be spent! This is probably the best way to go.

A tunnel from the Stable leads to the Gunsmith Shop, but debris must be cleared with 1250 points to enter. If you don't want to clear the debris, you can follow the path all the way to the Saloon.

Area Near Jailhouse

The Jailhouse and neighbor building are located at the far end of town. It is on the main street, but the street will have a blockade in the middle.

The area in the front of the Jailhouse should have the very first Mystery Box location. It will be in a corner right below the Courthouse's hole in the wall. Across the dirt road is the Bank and General Store, but only the General Store's front door can be unlocked with 750 points.


In an alley between the Jailhouse and the other building is the Jugger-Nog Machine, but it will be blocked by debris that can only be destroyed by the prisoner at the Jailhouse.

When you're ready, enter the house to the right of the Jailhouse.


The only way to enter the Jailhouse is through the building directly to the right. At the front of the Jailhouse is a Question Mark Chalk Location , which is a great place to use a Wallbuy if you're trying to get the right weapon from the Mystery Box nearby. Another Question Mark Chalk Location will be at the top of the stairs at the neighboring building, and a Workbench will be inside. A Mystery Box location is also be around this area. Follow the short path until you jump down a hole in the floor to the inside of the Jailhouse.

The first thing you should notice is the big man inside the jail cell. The cell can be opened with the key to the left of the cell door, but he won't leave right away. Give him the booze that's inside the cell to break open the front of the Jailhouse. Once free, he will follow you around the map.


The prisoner is used to clear all the blockades in the map that cannot be purchased, but you will need to give him Booze every time. Make sure you're facing the debris when you give him the Booze so he runs in the correct direction. Booze will spawn in the same cell he was held in, or it can be located on the bar or a table inside the Saloon. Blockades and debris the giant can destroy include:

  • Front door of Jailhouse
  • Alley near Jailhouse to Jugger-Nog
  • Alley between Stables and Gunsmith Shop
  • Front door to Gunsmith Shop
  • Alley between Confectionery and General Store
  • Front door to Church
  • Front gate to Haunted Mansion
  • Fountain in front of the Church / Haunted Mansion

Candy can also be given to this prisoner from the Confectionery. Doing so will allow the man to protect you from Zombies for a short time. However, the zombies he kills will not earn you any points. The Prisoner can also pick up a crawler after candy is fed to him to keep it safe.

If the prisoner takes too much damage from your weapons, he will retreat and lock himself back in his cell. You will then need to find the key to free him once more. The key can be on any key hook in the map, so look carefully.

Haunted Mansion

The Haunted Mansion is one of three buildings blocked by debris that cannot be bought. The only way to enter the building is to use the prisoner from the Jailhouse to break through.

Before going into the mansion, you may wish to break the fountain out front. Breaking the fountain will help you return to Processing, if you wish to do so. Get the prisoner to break the fountain by feeding him some booze.

An MP5 is located at the front of the Mansion. It can be purchased for 1000 points. The house itself must be opened up with an additional 1250 points.


Buried haunted house1.bmp

Inside the Haunted Mansion is a new type of enemy to the Zombies franchise: Ghosts. These female ghosts will not only injure you when they touch you, but they will also steal your points! Don't worry, they can be killed with any type of weapon. Kill enough and they may drop a Perk-A-Cola Bottle. This will give you a random perk that's available on this map, even if you already reached the four perk limit.

To the right of the entrance is the Double Tap II Root Beer machine inside a small room. Upstairs is a bedroom that looks like a dead end, but it's actually the way out. This room contains a secret passage behind the bookshelf that should open after a few second. When it opens, slip inside and take the path to the Maze in the back.


As mentioned above, the maze can only be accessed through the Haunted Mansion. It is a large hedge maze that leads to a gazebo with a well at the back. You won't be able to go through the hedges, but the zombies can, so stay on your toes.

If you want to get back to the rest of the map without going back to Processing, you can go back through a path inside the mansion. A hole is located on the right side of the mansion's exit. Follow the path all the way until you reach the Confectionery. It's a one way trip, and you won't be able to go back through the same path.

Another fountain can be found around the middle of the maze, just like at the front of the Haunted Mansion and Church. Destroy the fountain to reveal a large hole underneath. If you damaged the fountain at the front of the house, this hole will turn into a portal. Jump down to return back to the start of the map, also known as Processing, but you won't be able to reach the starting weapons again. If there isn't a portal in the hole, you will die the instant you jump into it.


The path through can be a bit confusing, mainly because the doors will shift when nobody is around the Maze. There are two Mystery Box spawn locations inside, and the well that was mentioned above.

The gazebo at the far end of the Maze contains a short set of stairs down into a well. A Stamin-Up Machine is located at the top of the well, and the Pack-A-Punch Machine is located at the bottom.

Black Ops 2 Buried How to Build Everything
